The Robin SoC/CPU


this might also be of interest: I have created a SoC/CPU on the iCEbreaker. It goes further than the hardware alone as it comes with an monitor program, simulator, assembler and even the beginnings of a C-like compiler (all in Python) and so far it has been enormous fun implementing all that. :grinning:

I am only a beginner of course (this being my first real fpga project) but I did my best to document everything in a blog/wiki and am working on better documentation of the design.

The blog can be found here:

The CPU documentation (work in progress) here:

And the code (and wiki) on GitHub:

Any feedback/advise/criticisms are of course welcome.

– Michel.


Thanks for sharing this. I’m getting a board soon so it’s good to see how others are getting on with it. Any surprises or gotchas that you ran into when getting it running on the actual board?

I saw a blog mentioning 2 cycle delays on the block RAM that threw off your CPU state machine. I remember hitting the same hurdle a long time ago when I was trying a custom CPU and wondering what was wrong with the state machine.

My mental model of this is something like: Cycle 1: block RAM address input is stored to a register in your defined module, cycle 2: data output is stored in the block RAM output (“RDATA” according to Lattice PDF), cycle 3: RDATA output or some derived data can be assigned to whatever register in your module. I could get away with skipping cycle 2 on an asynchronous RAM but not the synchronous RAM in the FPGA I had. I just treat it as an extra pipeline stage with throughput unaffected. Happy to be corrected since I’m not an expert on this either.

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Apart from getting the info from all the Lattice datasheets together (and sorted correctly between my ears :grinning:) it was pretty straightforward. Because I am more or less completely new to the whole fpga thing I had actually more issues getting to grips with Verilog than the actual hardware and I guess that was also what tripped me when looking at the timing for those block rams.

Now that I now how to set up test benches, in hindsight I guess I could have saved myself some headaches by investing a bit more time upfront on creating test benches.

The only thing I have not working right now is the dsp in adder mode (the inference for multiplication works fine, but whatever I do, I can’t get the SB_MAC16 primitive to add). This might be a tool chain thing or something I don’t understand yet, we’ll see, that’s the fun part :smiley:

So basically all my issues are software related, the board itself great.

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