Module KiCAD footprint, symbol, 3D shape

Hello IceBreaker community - I am looking for the KiCAD footprint and 3D model for the IceBreaker module. This so that I can use the IceBreaker as a component on a larger PCB. I’ve been searching for the past hour bus just cannot find it. Anyone has it or knows where I can find it? So just the PMOD1A 1B PMOD2 FLASH and RGBLED and +5V +3V3 GND connectors, as if the IceBreaker is one IC that I’d place on my motherboard for it.

No one responded so I made them myself. Attached for those that also look for this. No guarantees though that it’s fully correct…
Oops - that does not work. File types .mod and .lib not allowed. Here it stops for me…

Hi @SiccoDwars,

Sorry for the delayed answer. We currently don’t have a footprint or 3D model for the full size iCEBreaker. We do have that for the iCEBreaker-bitsy boards though.

If you create the footprint and 3D model you are welcome to send a pull request to the pretty-kicad-libs library.

That said, I should probably create a separate repository containing just the iCEBreaker symbols, footprints and models. That should make work easier. I will add it to my TODO list.
