LED Panel Power Help

Just received the Everything Kit and am trying to get started with the LED panel (and FPGA in general). Is there a power supply I can buy that will be compatible with the power cables that were included? Or can I power the board straight from the FPGA board itself?

This power supply seems to have the right specs, but the connector isn’t right. What would be the simplest way to convert to the connector used by the LED panel?

Thank you very much for your time. Looking forward to getting started with some real projects! My first idea is to use it to make a countdown clock for the city bus system (but I guess if I used an ethernet PMOD I would probably have to build a full IP stack? Is it possible to get the data over the usb connection somehow?)

Thank you very much for your time!

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To answer part of my own question, it looks like this guide will help

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Sorry that I did not reply earlier. I came to the conclusion that you found an answer to your question. Let me know if anything else is unclear regarding the LED Panel interface.

One possible option for connectivity is to use the USB connector of the iCEBreaker and send bus data from a small computer over USB to UART converter. Alternatively you could connect a small wifi chip like ESP32 to the iCEBreker.

I am curious what you ended up building with your iCEBreaker. Please share your project with all of us.
